JEE PYQs of Ch14 Oscillation

 JEE PYQs of Ch14 Oscillation 

1. A particle execute simple harmonic motion between x = -A and x = +A the time taken for it to go from 0 to A/2 is T1 and to go from A/2 to A is T2 . Then how are T1 and T2 related ?        

(a) T1 = T2

(b)T1 = T2/2


(d)T1/2=T2                                            JEE2001


2. Two bodies M and N of equal masses are suspended from two separate massless springs of spring constants k1 and k2 respectively if two bodies oscillate vertically such that their maximum velocity are equal then find the ratio of the amplitude of M to that of N .                                                     

(a) k1/k2

(b) √k1/√k2

(c) k2/k1

(d) √k2/√k1                                           JEE2003


3. The mass M shown in figure oscillates in simple harmonic motion with amplitude A . The amplitude of the point P is .                                                         IIT2009






4. Two springs of force constant k1 and k2 are connected to a mass 'm' as shown in figure.

The frequency of oscillation of the mass is v. if the both k1 and k2 are made 4 times there original values the frequency of oscillation becomes .                 




(d)2v                                                       JEE2007


5. A spring of force constant 800 N/m has no extension of 5 cm. The work done is extending it from 5 cm to 15 cm is .




(d)32J                                                                                                                                       JEE2002


6. The spring of spring constant 5 × 10³ N/m is stretched initially by 5cm from the unstretched position then the work done is stretch it further by another 5 cm is . (a)6.25Nm 



(d)25.00Nm                                           JEE2003


7. A simple harmonic motion is represented by  its time period ?                               



8. The maximum velocity of a particle executing simple harmonic motion with an amplitude 7mm, is 4.4m/s . The period of oscillation is .                               

(a) 0.01s



(d)100s                                                   JEE2006


9. A mass 'M' attached two horizontal executes SHM with amplitude A1 when the mass 'M' passes through its mean position then the smaller mass 'm' is placed over it and both of them move together with amplitude A2 the ratio of [A1/A2] is :




(d)√M+√m/√M                                                                                                                       JEE2011


10. A particle of mass m executes SHM with amplitude 'a' and frequency 'v' the average kinetic energy during its Motion from the position of equilibrium to the end is .   




(d)2Ï€²ma²v²                                         JEE2007


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